
CO does the body (and mind) good

I'm a big fan of this place. Of course I like the mountain bike trails, but I'm having trouble putting my finger on what I really enjoy about this place. Whatever it is seems to be clearing my mind. I've explored some pretty sweet trails in the last few days.

White Ranch (a few miles north of Golden)
(check out the deer over the top tube)
Hall Ranch (Lyons)

No photos from Betasso preserve in Boulder, but another sweet ride.

Like I said, there's more to it than the awesome, scenic outdoorsy stuff. Not to toot my own horn, but today I sat myself down and gave MCAT studying a second chance. Maybe its the altitude, maybe its the scent of trigeek sweat, maybe its the environmentalists smelling their own flatulence, or maybe it was the cute Boulder babes that I was surrounded by. Or, maybe its just the relief of having a bachelors degree under my belt. But either way, I felt more focused than I've been in a while. It was a good feeling.

I am excited for more rides, nights out, and maybe even more studying? The nerd in me has not gone away.


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